I've tried to be patient with my oldest as he learns to express himself.
God do you hear me???
Please bring back my NORMAL son!
I think I've seen all the black jeans & t-shirts I care to see.
The hair in the face drives me bonkers!
And now, the black fingernails and eyeliner!
How do embrace my son if all I want to do is scream or cry every time I look at him?
Before I know it he'll look like this....
You embrace your wonderful son the way JESUS embraced you !!! With a great deal of Love, in HIS word HE says we are to hate the sin not the person.. so remember who the enemy is and its not your son. YEs he might be wanting to find himself and just might get a little lost in it, but know this what satan means for bad The Lord will get all the GLory. Allow the Lord to get inside your sons life by what you live out in front of HIM every heard the saying Kill them with kindness LOL yes you are still the mom and he still has to follow the rules of the house, put stop and ask Jesus what is it that your son is going thru, ask HIM JESUS to show you what it is HE JESUS sees in your son, then be still and listen to what the Lord says, I know HE will tell you I am sure of this. In the mean time you keep doing what it is you do best and that is Love with your great big Heart that you have..