Thursday, February 16, 2012

Must be doing something right

There are certain moments in your life as a parent when you say
"Wow, we must have done something right".

How excited we were when our 11-year-old approached my husband last night.
He said, "Dad, I know what I want to be when I grow up."

Now, I know my husband braced himself for whatever comment would come next.
The last time we had this conversation, he came in embracing a Spanish textbook.
His grand scheme.... learn to speak Spanish so he could become a Mexican.
(He was very tan at the end of summer, so I suppose his logic made sense)

I have said since the get-go this child will be one of two things

1) A Christian comedian - the kid is HILARIOUS


Exactly what he said next....

"I don't want to be a police office or nothing like that."

"I want to be a pastor!"

Be still my heart. Tears well up each time I think that my sweet boy
has a love so deep for Christ that he wants to share it.

Affirmation that we are doing something right in our kids' lives.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Texts From Kids

Our children being the right to the point kinda kids they are 
text us often. They ask us all kinds of crazy things. 

What are you doing? 
(really, they are just being nosy)
What's the square root of 144?
(an obvious pitch for homework help)
What time was I born? 
(trying to figure out who's really oldest - therefore the alpha male)
When will you be home?
(they want to know how much longer they can do what they aren't supposed to)
Did you do this as a kid?
(I usually tell my husband it's OK to LIE when this question is asked) 

I often say that God gave me children to drive me to the closest
line of insanity only to be the same ones to jerk me right back with
their silly humor and quick wit.

After this week, I needed a good chuckle.
This is the latest text.....

HEY DAD! Ok, let's cut to the chase..... what is for dinner?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Heartbreak - Facing Loss

Mickey Hix 3/30/42-9/26/11
I think as a mom the hardest thing we will face is the heartbreak of our children. We try to protect our kids from everything we can but there's some things that we just have no control over. One week ago today our family faced the loss of my husband's mother. Although, we were saddened by her passing, our sons, one more than the others, were just so overcome with heartbreak.
As a mom, I just wanted to scoop them up and hide their eyes. I wanted to cover their ears. I wanted to put them in a world all our own to protect them from the inevitable pain that lie ahead. But death is something we all must face, even our little ones.
So, each day, I just pray that God puts his cloak of protection around the hearts of my sons. That they know the good times they had with Granny. That they know when she pointed her finger toward heaven that she was seeing Jesus Himself welcoming her into His Kingdom. That they know her biggest prayer for them was happiness and a deep love for Christ.
Lord, they're all Yours. Protect my boys. Ease their heartache. Lift them up in Your arms and hold them close. Bring them comfort. Guide us as parents to provide all the tools to make this loss a celebration of life. We thank You for the beautiful time You allowed us to share with Granny. We thank You for salvation and knowing that soon we will see her again. We praise Your name, Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blessed Breakfast Burritos

A few weeks back we hosted an Alex's Lemonade Stand.
Our good friend over marketing for a large local restaurant chain brought breakfast to our group. Of course, our boys eat like it's their last meal each time they sit with food. Although we had already had breakfast one of the twinnies eyes just lit up as he saw our friend coming. He knew without a doubt, she'd have coupons for treats and, like always, goodies from the restaurant.
As we chatted amongst ourselves and donators I forgot completely about the food. That is until my son looked up at me and in his best Southern preacher voice exclaimed:

The Lawd hath sent down an angel from heaven to bring me this delicious breakfast burrito. Hallelujah! 

To which our friend replies: I'm so glad that I have found my purpose and how He uses me to do His work!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Momisms by Anita Renfro.... The Mom's Laugh

So, I've had my laugh today.... GOAL ACCOMPLISHED! Let's see if we can share the giggles with my kiddos!!!

Thanks Karla! She passed this along to me after reading my post this morning! And that's EXACTLY how my evenings sound! Sure my kids would agree!

The Mom's Goal Today..... Laugh!


Things seem so serious all the time around here. The boys get home and we're getting homework done. Get your chores done. Is your room clean? Wash up for dinner. Please eat with your mouth closed and hurry up you're the last one at the table... again. Shower! You're using all the hot water... get out! Are all your dirty clothes in the hamper? Brush your teeth. Is your backpack ready and you have all your clothes laid out right? Head to bed boys. Boys! Boys! Boys, I-SAID-GO-TO-SLEEP!!!!!

The other night someone told me his goal for his kids growing up was for them to look back and say they ENJOYED their childhood. Even as I type, I think, well.... our evening routine is really NOT filled with moments that make my kids want to smile. That is where The Mom is involved anyway. So, today, I'm going to try to find a way to make our nights fun. We can get all those things done without stress and frustration.

Perhaps we will turn the radio all the way up in the MomMobile tonight on the way to church. They can sing as loud and as bad as they want. Or maybe a quick board game before we pack up to run off. Or maybe even a special treat for whoever eats the most peas! LOL! I'm not sure, but tonight we will LAUGH!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Being his own person

I've tried to be patient with my oldest as he learns to express himself.

God do you hear me???

Please bring back my NORMAL son!
I think I've seen all the black jeans & t-shirts I care to see.
The hair in the face drives me bonkers!
And now, the black fingernails and eyeliner! 

How do embrace my son if all I want to do is scream or cry every time I look at him?

Before I know it he'll look like this....